
March 20, 2013

The Top Five Myths about SR-22 Coverage

After a driver is charged with a DUI, they are required to maintain SR22 insurance. There are a few myths and a lot of misunderstanding about this particular type of insurance coverage. Taking the time to debunk the myths, will allow you to be sure that you always have the coverage you need. Myth 1: […]
March 11, 2013

Workmen’s Auto Insurance No Longer Writes in Missouri

Workmen’s Auto Insurance Company has decided to withdrawl its non-standard automobile insurance program from Missouri. Workmen’s recently notified the Missouri Depatment of Insurance of intent to withdrawl non-standard auto program. Missouri Choice program has already been withdrawn, and choice policies expiring April 1, 2013 and later are being nonrenewed. Workmen’s Auto will no longer accept […]
March 6, 2013

Dairyland Insurance Offers Flexibility

 Dairyland car insurance customers – When you need flexible car insurance products as well as a commitment to you – Think Cloverleaf Insurance Agency 18005305822 and Dairyland Auto for your nonstandard auto business. We offer the flexibility to fit your needs: Named Non-Owner Policies for drivers who don’t own a vehicle We accept foreign drivers licenses and […]
February 13, 2013

High Risk Auto Insurance: Tips for Getting Affordable Rates for a Sports Car

Do you own a sports car? Insuring a sports car can be very expensive, especially if you have been classified as a high risk driver. If you are looking for affordable High Risk Auto Insurance rates for your sports car, we can offer you cheaper rates. Before applying, you should understand that high risk insurance […]
February 4, 2013

Traders Auto Insurance No monthly Credit Card Billing Fees

Traders Auto Insurance Company has notified Cloverleaf Insurance 18005305822, effective immediately Feb. 2013, Credit/Debit Card Payments are FREE when customers are on the Auto Pay Plan! Traders Insurance has made processing credit/debit free (NO CHARGE) when a customer is on eft or recurring credit card transactions.  Traders Insurance customers also have the flexibility to choose the […]
January 18, 2013

Help! I’ve Had an Accident!

AFTER THE CRASH: WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF AN ACCIDENT. Let’s say you have just had the misfortune of being involved in an auto accident. What should you do next? Here is a quick, step-by-step Accident Scene List to assist you in minimizing your misfortune and discomfort. Stop your vehicle if it is clear, […]
January 16, 2013

What is SR-22 Insurance?

The SR-22 is a certificate of insurance that your auto insurance company files with the DMV to assure that you are covered under an auto insurance policy which fits the requirements of your state. Typically, an SR-22 is required if your driving privileges were suspended for a brief period of time. This could happen in […]
January 9, 2013

Cloverleaf Insurance Top Ten Tips to Cut Home Utility Bills

Saving money is never as easy. You can control increases in home utility bills if you follow some simple steps. One way to lower your utility bills is to conduct a simple do-it-yourself energy assessment to determine your home’s energy use. The U.S. Department of Energy’s website lists a great formula to calculate energy consumption […]
January 3, 2013

The General Insurance Company Makes Changes

To: Permanent General & Cloverleaf Insurance Customers It is my pleasure to announce exciting news about your auto insurance company. Effective January 2, 2013, Permanent General and its affiliated companies will begin operating as ‘The General’®. Our new logo is shown at the top of this letter. We think having this single brand throughout all […]
December 14, 2012

When to Take Car Keys Away From Parents

There has been a nationwide debate about the safety of older drivers. This discussion often centers on the question “At what age should an older driver stop driving?” which often leads to questions about mandatory testing for older drivers. At Cloverleaf Insurance 18005305822, we believe the real question that needs to be answered is: “How […]