Home » What to do After an Accident – Wreck Check
April 11, 2013

What to do After an Accident – Wreck Check

Wreck CheckAutomobile accidents happen every day, but a survey from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners showed many Americans don’t know exactly what to do after an accident. Now there’s a smartphone app that walks you through the crucial steps to take if you’re in an accident.

The WreckCheck mobile application, available to download for free for iPhone and Android users, helps remove the guesswork.

While drivers need to share information, the survey revealed consumers aren’t sure about exactly how much personal information to exchange. Consumers generally need only share their names and car insurance information. It’s unnecessary and could be risky to share additional information like driver’s license numbers and home addresses.

The WreckCheck app walks you through the step-by-step process of creating you own accident report. It also provides tips for staying calm, safe and smart on the road, and makes it easy to capture accident photos and collect the necessary information to file an insurance claim. Additionally, the app lets you email a completed accident report directly to yourself and your insurance agent.

 Wreck Check

Scan the QR Code to download the iPhone App.

 Wreck Check

Scan the QR Code to download the Android App.

Need a QR Code scanner? Search for “QR Code Scanner” in the App Store or Play Store. There should be several free versions.

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(Source: http://insurance.mo.gov/consumers/auto/after-an-accidentchecklist.php)

Categories: Auto Insurance