October 9, 2020

Choose Safety on Election Day

Heading for the polls? This Election Day, vote do not to crash.

Car crash study proves taking time and making good choices is good advice for more than voting.

More car crashes occur on presidential Election Day Tuesdays than on Super Bowl Sundays, despite the latter’s tendency to include alcohol consumption.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association examined car crash data on presidential Election Day Tuesdays from 1975-2006. The Tuesdays each year preceding and following Election Day were analyzed as controls. Findings reveal 18 percent more deaths and hundreds more injuries occur on the roads during presidential Election Days.

Drivers preoccupied with the election and speeding to polling locations could cause crashes; make sure you drive safely to cast your vote.

Call Cloverleaf Insurance at 18005305822 want everyone to vote and stay safe.

Categories: Blog