November 20, 2019

Cloverleaf Insurance is running Toys for Tots Toy Drive

Tis the Season….for Toys for Tots!

Cloverleaf Insurance is happy to support Toys for Tots every year, and are thrilled to now offer our office as a official drop-off location!


Donations will be accepted now through December 14, 2019.


When you place a toy in a Marine Toys for Tots collection box, you experience the joy of knowing that toy will be under the tree in a families home and bring a smile and message of hope to a less fortunate child Christmas morning.


Please consider donating a new, unwrapped toy for someone less fortunate this Christmas season.

Our office drop off location is 301 Jungermann Rd., St. Peters MO 63376.

Thank you for supporting Marine Toys for Tots.


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