December 30, 2015

Insuremax Insurance Company


Insuremax Insurance Company is ready to insure you.
All future Insuremax customers need to call Cloverleaf Insurance 1-800-530-5822 in order to be written

It is with great excitement that I must inform you that InsureMax Insurance Company will accept new business applications; and in accordance with the various state statutes and requirements will begin quoting and insuring car insurance.

Over the last few years it has become evident that insurance is viewed as a commodity by consumers, driven solely by price, and a Company’s commitment to high customer service and claims standards as well as building relationships has greatly diminished in value. The ownership of InsureMax Insurance Company has determined that they can continue to offer our level of service for the price that both our agents and customers demand. 

The ownership, management team, and the entire staff of InsureMax Insurance Company would like to thank everyone for their continued support.  What we accomplish cannot be done without your valuable input and support.

Everyone at InsureMax Insurance Company want to thank you.


CALL CLOVERLEAF INSURANCE 1-800-530-5822 For New Auto Insurance quotes .

Categories: Blog