
March 22, 2017

What To Check When You Purchase A Used Vehicle

Buying a car is a huge investment. If you are in the market, then you want to make sure you purchase the perfect vehicle for your needs. You likely won’t want to spend a lot on a car, only to turn around and sink a lot more money into repairs. Used vehicles that fit this […]
March 17, 2017

Cloverleaf Insurance Partners With Good2Go Auto Insurance

Cloverleaf Insurance is excited to announce our new partnership with Good2go Auto Insurance! Omni Insurance and Personal Service Insurance are now Good2go Auto Insurance. Good2go Auto Insurance offers low monthly payments and easy reinstatement if you miss a payment. Good2go can insure all drivers — even those who have had some trouble on their driving […]
February 13, 2017

Home Precautions For Valentines Day

Valentines Day is right around the corner. And when love is in the air, the last thing you want to think about is home insurance. Fortunately, if you’re proactive about home safety, you can focus on romance, without worrying about potential claims. Here are a few Valentines Day-related areas where a little precaution can go […]
February 10, 2017

Who Is Responsible For Rental Property Maintenance?

People who rent a home or apartment want to live in a safe, well-maintained place. But as with any home, rental properties can have maintenance issues from time to time. This is one reason why renters insurance is so critical; the policy can protect a renter’s valuables and liability in case a peril affects the […]
January 26, 2017

Beware Of Ice Dams After Winter Snowstorms

Many calendars and postcards display a picture of a winter snow-covered roof. But there is a downside to the beautiful snow: Ice Dams. Midwest residents with an abundance of snow may be familiar with the problem. An ice dam typically forms when snow melts on warm spots on your roof, and the water flows down […]
January 16, 2017

SR-22 Coverage For Non-Owners

No one wants to have to carry an SR-22 form. But, if the authorities deem someone to be a high risk driver, they might have to carry an SR-22 certification. A high risk driver might have gotten many tickets, had DUI charges or been in multiple accidents. SR-22 policies are not insurance. They are proof […]
December 16, 2016

5 Tips To Maintain Your Tires

Keeping your tires in order is an important part of your vehicle maintenance. Tire failure while on the road can be disastrous, so you should always take steps to minimize these risks. Your car insurance policy won’t likely pay for routine wheel and tire maintenance. However, that shouldn’t stop you from having your tires and […]
November 16, 2016

Sharing A Renters Insurance Policy Can Go South Quick

If you rent an apartment, getting a roommate is a great way to keep expenses low. You can split the rent, the utilities, and grocery bills, which helps you stash money away for other bills. But while splitting bills are a good idea, it’s not a good idea to split your renters insurance policy. Though […]
October 19, 2016

Researching Insurers While Shopping For Car Insurance

Car insurance is a complicated subject for many people. Additionally, many consumers only compare monthly premiums when buying coverage. However, there is more to car insurance than the rate you pay for your premium each month. Fortunately, you don’t have to be an insurance agent to compare insurance companies effectively. Take a Thorough Look at […]
September 21, 2016

4 Myths About Renters Insurance

Much like home insurance, renters insurance protects your living space. You can liken renters insurance to a life raft. When you are on a boat, the life raft is there just in case you have an emergency. Renters insurance is there in case you need it for a covered loss. Unfortunately, many people don’t have […]