Questions To Ask When Getting An SR-22
If you’re required to get an SR-22 certificate, you shouldn’t take the ruling lightly. An SR-22 indicates that you are a high risk driver. You’ll have to file these certificates with your state DMV for a specified period of time — generally a few years.
When you get an SR-22 certificate, you’ll have to follow a number of steps to file the certificate. This likely includes informing your insurance company of your SR-22 status. SR-22s often affect your car insurance rates, so you should work closely with your agent during the filing period.
You’ll likely have a lot of questions as you file your SR-22. Make sure you ask your agent these questions as you begin this process.
Q: How will an SR-22 affect my insurance costs?
A: Each state has different SR-22 requirements. A variety of charges — such as DUIs, reckless driving, and repeated accidents — can trigger an SR-22. Remember, SR-22s are not insurance policies. They are simply forms that verify for the state authorities that you have insurance.
SR-22s indicate that you are a high-risk driver. For that reason, getting an SR-22 certificate may make your insurance company classify you as a greater risk. They might increase your insurance rates as a result of the SR-22. However, the actual fee for filing an SR-22 is generally nominal.
Q: Do I need a new insurance policy?
A: The answer will depend on a variety of factors, including the policy you currently carry. Most insurance companies don’t offer SR-22 coverage on standard auto policies.
When you file for an SR-22 certificate, talk to your insurance agency. You may have to adjust your coverage levels to keep the required amount of auto insurance. Additionally, you may have to buy a new policy that specifically covers SR-22 risks. Again, this requirement will depend on your insurance carrier.
Q: Which penalties do I face?
A: Part of getting an SR-22 off your record involves avoiding the driving mistakes that got you the certificate in the first place.
Correcting your mistakes means taking care of any penalties assessed to you. Make sure you pay all ticket fines, attend court dates, and follow up with authorities when necessary. Most importantly, make a concerted effort to improve your driving skills.
Q: How long do I have to keep the SR-22?
A: Each state has different SR-22 time requirements. Generally, SR-22s stay on your insurance record for a couple of years. Still, it’s important to remember that if you get another violation during this time, you could face steeper penalties.
If you continue to accrue driving violations while you have the SR-22, you put yourself at a further insurance risk. Generally, new driving charges will reset your SR-22 period — which can prolong your high-risk status. Continued charges may even lead your insurance company to drop your coverage altogether.
Q: What if my coverage lapses while I have an SR-22?
A: Don’t let this happen! You must maintain your insurance coverage continuously while you carry an SR-22. Failing to carry insurance is a prime reason for SR-22 penalties to increase. Your insurance agent can help you figure out a plan to maintain insurance and get the SR-22 coverage you need.
Get the best coverage for your needs and requirements. Call Cloverleaf Insurance at (800) 530-5822 for a free SR-22 insurance quote today!
Categories: SR-22